MySped Resource. The primary application for supporting special education in the state for the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education.
This webpage now only hosts information regarding applications to support Special Education in the state of Arkansas. If you are looking for the main website of the Special Education Unit at the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education, click here to go to the new DESE OSE website.
MySped Resource. The primary application for supporting special education in the state for the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Surveys include the Family Outcomes Survey and the Self-Monitoring Survey.
Training and workshop dates. Register through this system.
Residential Placement Registry (RPR). For in-state facilities.
Centralized Intake and Referral / Consultant Unified Intervention Team (CIRCUIT). A referral system for direct and supportive activities, to improve results for children with disabilities, ages 3 to 21, by ensuring a free, appropriate public education (FAPE), in the least restrictive environment (LRE).
Educational Services for the Visually Impaired (ESVI). Providing learning services, support, and assistance for children who are visually impaired or blind in order to enhance their opportunities.
This is the main website for the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education Special Education Unit. All updated information and forms can be found at this site.